Terms and conditions


In this section you can consult the terms and conditions of use of this website. These include the general terms of use, permitted conduct, user-generated content, confidentiality, limitation of liability, possibility of modification, applicable law and jurisdiction. By using the Website, you agree to the terms and conditions below (“T&C”).


The website ("Site") is a presentation and blog site and is owned by public notary Raluca Chelaru, based in Vasile Conta street no. 4, et. 1, Sector 2, Bucharest.


By accessing the Site, you agree to comply with these T&Cs and all other terms contained herein or referred to, in effect at the time of access. In general, you agree to comply with the T&C of Use and the applicable legal provisions.

In particular, you agree to comply with the following rules:

  • To use the Site in good faith and according to its purpose;
  • You may not copy the Site in whole or in part, reproduce, sell, sublicense, distribute, assign, modify, adapt, do not translate it, create derivative works from it, decompile it, transmit it to reverse engineering services, disassemble it, attempt to access its source code;
  • Not circumvent or compromise the security or rules of use for Content provided, used or created by a feature of the Site;
  • Do not use viruses, robots, software or subprogram-like systems to interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation of the Site or any other person's use of the Site;
  • Not post or enter inaccurate or misleading information when using the Site;
  • Do not impersonate another person;
  • Not to collect information from other users in order to use it for the transmission of commercial or equivalent offers or to include it in indexing services;
  • Do not use the Site Content to train artificial intelligence models without the prior written consent of the Site owner.

Subject to compliance with these T&Cs, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable right to use the Site Content for the sole purpose of using the Site as intended.


The content of the Site and the rights associated with it are the property of us or of third parties who have given us a license to use, as the case may be, including but not limited to trademark, design, appearance, concept, technical and graphic solutions, bases of data, software and source code, as well as the arrangement and layout of these features, which make up the Site.

Any reproduction, copying, adaptation, modification, publication, transmission, distortion, integration into another site, commercial exploitation and/or total or partial reuse of the Site and/or its content, by any means, in any medium, is strictly prohibited and may constitute a violation punishable by applicable law.

User generated content

This Site allows users to create and publish content in the form of comments.

By posting comments, you agree to abide by the following rules:

  • To be in accordance with the law and good morals;
  • To contain a civilized language, free of insults, defamation, slander or other similar to any natural or legal person, including but not limited to the owner of the Site or other users;
  • Not to infringe the copyrights of third parties;
  • Not to be advertising or misleading and, in general, to be relevant to the subject being commented on;
  • Be designed, written and published by the user, without the use of bots, artificial intelligence and/or automated means of publication;
  • Do not contain malicious code or attachments, intended to compromise the safety, accessibility or integrity of the Site.

By creating content on the Site, you grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable license to publish, reproduce, edit and to authorize third parties to publish, reproduce or edit that content.

We reserve the right to moderate user-posted content by disapproving or removing it if it violates these T&Cs or if we believe it is not suitable for our purposes or needs, without any explanation being required. For the avoidance of doubt, we are under no obligation to publish User Generated Content, even if it complies with the above rules.

Regardless of our right to moderate user-generated content, which is not an obligation, as the author of such content, you agree to indemnify us and indemnify us for any direct or indirect damages caused to us or third parties by the content you create by you.

Removal of user generated content

Without prejudice to our right to moderate user-generated content at our discretion, user-generated content published on the Site may be modified or deleted if it does not comply with these T&Cs, the law or good morals, and if it is harmful to other users.

Reporting inappropriate or harmful content

To the extent that you consider the content created by another user and published on the Site to be in contradiction with these T&C, the law, good morals or as being harmful to you or a person you represent, you have the right to request the modification or removing inappropriate or harmful content by using the contact form.

To ensure the resolution of your request, please indicate in your request the link, the author and the content that you consider non-compliant or harmful.

After analyzing your request, we may decide to modify, delete or keep the content that you consider non-compliant or harmful, and we will communicate a reasoned response in this regard within no more than 30 days of receiving the notification. To the extent that additional information and/or documents are required to resolve the complaint, the 30-day resolution period runs from the date of receipt of this information or documents, as the case may be.

Review of content moderation decisions

To the extent that content created by you and published on the Site is challenged by another user, our decision on this request will be communicated to you as well. In order to resolve the complaint against your content, we have the right, but not the obligation, to ask you for additional information and/or documents.

If you do not agree with our decision, you can ask us to review it, and we will provide you with a reasoned response within 30 days of receiving the review request. To the extent that additional information and/or documents are required to resolve the review request, the 30-day resolution period runs from the date of receipt of such information or documents, as the case may be.

Limitation of liability

The Site may provide access to other sites and/or applications through hyperlinks. We do not administer these sites and applications and cannot control their content.

Therefore, we cannot be held liable under any circumstances for:

The content and services provided by these third-party websites and/or applications, or
Any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process with the same purpose carried out by these sites and applications or
Security or integrity issues with data, hardware and software that you may experience and any consequences or losses that may result from using these third-party applications and/or websites.
Your use of these third-party applications and/or websites may be subject to additional terms and conditions beyond our control. Use of third-party websites and/or applications is at your own risk.

We cannot guarantee that the Site is free of any anomalies, errors or bugs, nor that they can be corrected, nor that the Site will function without interruptions or malfunctions, nor that it is compatible with any type of hardware.

The Site is accessible on the Internet and mobile networks, which are not under our control. We are not responsible for the unavailability of the Site or any difficulty or failure to download or access the Content and Services.

We reserve the right to modify, terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time for any reason, at our sole discretion, access to all or part of the Site, including the content and services, without notice, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. We are not liable under any circumstances if the Site is unavailable.


We reserve the right to amend these T&C at any time and without any prior obligation to inform, modifications that will apply immediately.

For this reason, we recommend that you re-read these T&Cs on each visit.

Your continued use of this Site after any change to these T&Cs will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These T&C are governed by Romanian law. In the event of a dispute regarding the validity, interpretation or application of these T&C, it will be settled by the materially competent courts in Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania.