About me

Professional experience

2023 - Present

Public Notary - SPN Berevoianu - Chelaru
With a rich experience in consulting law, I have the necessary knowledge to authenticate the most complex real estate transactions and always look for the legal solutions that best suit the will of the parties.

2011 - 2023

Managing associate - Țuca Zbârcea și Asociații
As a lawyer in the corporate and real estate department of the largest law firm in Romania, I assisted Romanian and foreign clients in transactions worth tens of millions of euros each.

2020 - 2021

Head of Legal - Kaufland Romania
In a foray into the world of in-house law, I coordinated the legal team of the largest supermarket in Romania by turnover, on which occasion I absorbed the multinational organizational culture.


2021 - Prezent

PhD student - Bucharest Unversity - Law school
Starting from 2021, I am a doctoral student in civil law - real rights under the supervision of University Professor Doctor Corneliu Bîrsan.

2014 - 2015

LLM - Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne / Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgia / UBucharest University - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
In 2015, I graduated with a master's degree in English in the law of urban planning and territorial planning under the supervision of University Professor Doctor Corneliu Bîrsan.

2011 - 2012

LLM - Bucharest Unversity - Law school
In 2012, I graduated with a master's degree in civil law under the supervision of University Professor Doctor Marian Nicolae.

2007 - 2011

Bachelor's degree - Bucharest Unversity - Law school
In 2011, I graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Bucharest.

Conferences and publications


Speaker - ASE - Law school
I had the honor of being a speaker at the National Conference on the Law of Urbanism and Land Use Planning organized by the Faculty of Law within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.


Speaker - Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain
I was moved to participate as a speaker at the international conference Freedom of expression for judges within the framework of respect for the principles of judicial ethics organized by Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid in memoriam Prof. Eugen Chelaru.


Speaker - University of Pitesti - Law school
I had the honor to be a speaker at the European Union's History, Culture and Citizenship Conference organized by the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences of the University of Pitesti in memoriam Eugen CHELARU.


Speaker - Bucharest Unversity - Law school
I had the honor to be a speaker at the National Urban Planning Conference organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest.