Can Swiss citizens and companies buy land in Romania?

We saw in an earlier article that European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) have the right to purchase land in Romania. The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland is not an EU or EEA member, but only part of the single market. Type Permission Buildable land NO Agricultural land YES Forest land NO Can Swiss citizens […]

admin, 22 April 2024


We saw in an earlier article that European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) have the right to purchase land in Romania. The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland is not an EU or EEA member, but only part of the single market.

Type Permission
Buildable landNO
Agricultural landYES
Forest landNO

Can Swiss citizens and companies own land for secondary residences?

According to annex 1 of the Protocol to the Treaty between the European Community and its member states, on the one hand, and the Swiss Confederation, on the other hand, regarding the free movement of individuals, with regards to the participation as contracting parties of the Bulgarian Republic and of Romania as a result of their accession to the European Union, Romania may maintain for up to 5 years from June 1st, 2009 (i.e. until June 1st, 2014) its restrictions regarding the acquisition of ownership over lands by foreigners for Swiss citizens.

Although Romania should have eliminated restrictions for the acquisition of lands for secondary residences for Swiss citizens since June 1st, 2014, Law no. 312/2005 regarding the acquisition of private property rights over land by foreign and stateless citizens, as well as by foreign legal entities was not modified.

Can Swiss citizens and companies own agricultural land?

According to Law no. 17/2014 regarding some measures to regulate the sale of agricultural land located outside the village and to amend Law no. 268/2001 regarding the privatization of companies that hold under management public and private land owned by the state for agricultural purposes and the establishment of the State Domains Agency, Romanian citizens, citizens of a member state of the European Union, of the European Economic Area (EEA) or of the Swiss Confederation can buy agricultural land with the observance of the applicable pre emption rights and procedures.

Therefore, Swiss citizens and companies can own agricultural land in Romania in the same conditions as Romanian citizens and companies.

Can Swiss citizens and companies own forest land?

Although Romania should have eliminated restrictions for the acquisition of forest lands for Swiss citizens since June 1st, 2014, Law no. 312/2005 regarding the acquisition of private property rights over land by foreign and stateless citizens, as well as by foreign legal entities was not modified.

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